Construction and real-estate might seem like pretty conservative, low-tech industries. But that's precisely why their path towards 21st century innovation necessitates partnerships with startups, whose solutions offer significant improvements in safety, efficiency and environmental responsibility.
Israeli startups are doing great work in these field, like Dr. Shimrit Perkol-Finkel, PhD, CEO and Chief Scientist of ECOncrete, with their environmentally sensitive concrete products, promoting marine biodiversity while increasing structural stability, longevity and aesthetics of urban waterfronts and coastal structures.
Israeli startups in Con-tech & Prop-tech are expertly introduced to global investors by Noa Aharoni, head of the Cleantech & Smart Infrastructure Unit at the Israel Export Institute.
Thanks Shimrit and Noa for the professional work you do, energetically and devotedly making our environment healthier, benefitting us all.